Leaving a relationship because he doesn't want kids

This morning, I was talking to my associate Judy Van Zon (who coaches couples around the decision to have children or not) and she was saying that she wished couples would come earlier to coaching rather than see it as a 'last-ditch' thing to do.  Judy is going to be writing regular features on this blog so keep your eyes out for her posts which will start soon.

After our conversation,  I stumbled across this first person piece written by a woman who felt she had to leave the husband she loved in order to be a mother.  She had to make a terribly difficult decision which I have seen many of my clients faced with.   And often, it is left fairly late in the relationship to do (as the writer points out).  In relationship coaching, we encourage people to come to the coaching before things get to the state where you are planning on leaving the relationship.  It doesn't guarantee a different outcome but it means that you and your partner will be able to work through the issues together, learning how to communicate better and see if you can develop a joint vision of your relationship.

I'm looking forward to reading Judy's thoughts on the issue on the blog - and hoping her words will help more couples in the future.


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