Do you think that people who choose not to have children are selfish?

I was invited to speak to recent comments by the Pope that people who do not have children are selfish on LBC Radio Today.  I had an interesting discussion with the presenter Shelagh Fogarty

(You can read more about the Pope's comments in this article Pope Francis: The Choice to Not Have Children is Selfish )

We need to recognise the diverse ways that people can contribute to our communities and to the lives of others  in all sorts of ways.   People who do not have children often have more time and energy to give to other people in the community.  Many people without children are also involved in the lives of friends children or nieces or nephews.  Or they are supporting and looking after elderly relatives.
It's disappointing that the Pope didn't acknowledge the great contribution that many people without children make - indeed the Catholic church is made up of people who have decided not to have children in order to live a life of service.


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