Are your brain and heart pulling in opposite directions?

Happy New Year to one and all!  Although I do love the laziness of the Christmas holiday's, it does feel good to be back working again.  This week, I've seen several new coaching clients who all have the intention to resolve the 'baby decision'  in 2017.    And a common theme that I have explored with all of my clients this week is their feeling of being conflicted within themselves, as if they are being pulled in two or more directions at once.

This is a very common issue for most of my baby decision clients and it can feel like an overwhelming jumble of emotions.  (A few years ago, I found an article which described this tension very well, it's mentioned in this blog post Why does anyone have children? In  order to help people make sense of this jumble, one place I like to start with my clients is to explore the tension between our head (brain), heart (emotions/feelings) and our core (also known as our gut, in this schema we say that the core is the seat of our confidence and power).   It's a technique I learnt from my teacher Wendy Palmer helps to pull apart the tensions and arguments with us particularly when we are trying to make a decision.

Last month, I came across this write up on the great site Upworthy which was reporting on a comic which was exploring the very issue of tension between the heart and the brain.  The article, describing the work of comic Nick Seluk, creator of The Awkward Yeti 17 comics that illustrate the tricky relationship between your heart and brain. beautifully illustrated the the conflict between these parts of ourself.   As the article points out:

 'When your heart and your brain aren't on the same page, it can feel like the worst thing ever. How can you make a decision when your heart and your head want different things? The escapades of Heart and Brain in Seluk's comics often reflect his own experiences and will likely reflect some of yours too.

I've included one of his comics below that was featured on Upworthy and you can see more by going to his website at The Awkward Yeti.



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